Category: History

Luxembourg Brotherhood of America


A Brief History Stephen N. Heinz 1936-1989 At the Annual Convention held on May 20, 1990, to fill the vacancy created by Stephen N. Heinz’s death, Brother Don Hansen, the…
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SECTION 8 HISTORY (1902 – 2013)

SECTION 8 – EVANSTON, ILLINOIS – 1902 – 2013 Section 8 was organized on February 23, 1902, in Evanston, Illinois. Grand President, John N. Watry, initiated the following forty-two members…
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Grand Lodge History (1980 – 2000)

1980 – 2000 In 1980, Section 21, located in Wilmette, dedicated a memorial garden at the intersection of Glenview Road and Wilmette Avenue. The site was the family farm of…
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Grand Lodge History (1960 – 1980)

1960 – 1980 In 1963, two events of significance occurred. The first was the visit of H.R.H. Charlotte to Chicago, and the second was the first overseas trip to Luxembourg,…
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Grand Lodge History (1940 – 1960)

1940 – 1960 The war effort at home was necessarily different. In February 1941, H.R.H. Grand Duchess Charlotte attended a reception in Chicago, at which time she appealed for world…
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Grand Lodge History (1920 – 1940)

1920 – 1940 At the May 4th Convention, Henry Geimer, a member of Section 8, was elected as the Seventh Grand President. Speeches and music were presented at the Jubilee…
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Grand Lodge History (1900 – 1920)

1900 – 1920 In January and February 1900, Section 1 initiated fifty-eight new members and Sections 2 and 3 doubled their membership. On February 14, 1900, the Luxembourg Benefit Society…
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Grand Lodge History (1880 – 1900)

The History of the Formation of the Luxembourg Brotherhood of America & the Grand Lodge!